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Data Compilations
- Measuring Worth. Includes definitive and constantly updated time series of U.S. GDP, population, CPI, wages, interest rates, DJIA, price of gold for extended periods of time.
- Obamacare Enrollment in the 50 States.
- 1998 Health Care Almanac & Yearbook (Print versions only)A book available at most online bookstores with valuable information. For more information, please look at the reviews listed above. Includes a) Year in Review; b) The National Scene c) Developments in the States; d) New Drugs, Devices and Treatments; e) Health Business; f) Newsmakers of 1997; g) Statistical Profiles; h) Delivering Health Care; i) The Public Health; j) Worldview; k) References and Resources; l) Milestones in Medicine; m) Words and Meanings; n) Sources and Resources.
- Health United States (National Center for Health Statistics: annual)This is the single largest compilation of national health statistics produced annually in the U.S. The site includes downloadable or viewable tables for 1996-97 (including Injury Prevention chartbook), 1995 (including Women’s Health chartbook), 1994, and 1993 providing key trends and statistics including a) fertility and natality; b) mortality; c) morbidity; d) determinants and measures of health (including health behaviors); e) utilization of health resources; f) health care resources; g) health care expenditures; h) health care coverage (including federal programs); and i) state health expenditures.
- U.S. Statistical Abstract (Bureau of the Census)Includes downloadable tables from 1995, 1996 and 1997 versions (selected copyrighted tables cannot be downloaded) and ordering information for print and CD-ROM versions.
- U.S. Budget, FY1998 (Office of Management and Budget)
- Medical Groups in the US, 1996 Edition (AMA: ordering info only)
Latest AMA survey data and census information for more than 16,000 groups nationwide. Analyzes size, location, and specialty composition; how groups are organized and managed; relationships with hospitals and managed care providers; computer and business equipment used; and information on facilities. Softbound.
- Rate Controls: Financial Statements for U.S. Hospitals