E. U.S. County Health Profiles
III. Area Health Profiles >> E. U.S. County Health Profiles (last updated 11.10.15)
Topic Outline
- 1 General County Health Profiles
- 2 Demographic Characteristics
- 3 Social and Economic Factors
- 4 Health Status | Mortality
- 5 Health Status | Morbidity
- 6 Health Behavior
- 7 Reproductive Health
- 8 Environmental Health
- 9 Built Environment
- 10 Coverage | Managed Care
- 11 Coverage | Medicare
- 12 Coverage | Medicaid
- 13 Coverage: Uninsured
- 14 Access | Barriers to Access
- 15 Access | Health Resources
- 16 Access | Utilization
- 17 Cost | Public Expenditures
General County Health Profiles
- County Health Rankings The County Health Rankings are a key component of the Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH) project. MATCH is a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. This web site provides access to the 50 state reports, ranking each county within the 50 states according to its health outcomes and the multiple health factors that determine a county’s health. Each county receives a summary rank for its health outcomes and health factors and also for the four different types of health factors: health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment. Each county can also drill down to see specific county-level data (as well as state benchmarks) for the measures upon which the rankings are based.
- Community Health Status Indicators Report (Health Resources and Services Administration) The goal of Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI) is to provide an overview of key health indicators for local communities and to encourage dialogue about actions that can be taken to improve a community’s health. The CHSI report was designed not only for public health professionals but also for members of the community who are interested in the health of their community. Currently, CHSI 2009 reported about 205 health indicators (around 537 data measurements) for 3,141 current counties in 50 states and District of Columbia. Although CHSI presents indicators like deaths due to heart disease and cancer, it is imperative to understand that behavioral factors such as tobacco use, diet, physical activity, alcohol and drug use, sexual behavior and others substantially contribute to these deaths (see chart). In addition to the web pages, community profiles can be displayed on maps or downloaded in a brochure format. The CHSI mapping capability allows users to visually compare similar counties (termed peer counties) as well as adjacent counties with their own county.
- USA Counties 1998 (Oregon State University) Site provides county data from USA Counties CD-ROM, a compendium of a number of sources including Census. BLS, BEA; all series provide several years’ worth of data. User has full control over selection of numerous variables including a) demographic characteristics; b) household/family characteristics; c) labor force/employment characteristics; and d) housing characteristics. Area comparisons list all counties and state average (only 1 variable per table). Data can be imported into spreadsheets.
- U.S. Census, City and County Data Book (University of Virginia) Site provides county, city and place data from 1988 and 1994 Data Books. User has full control over selection of numerous variables from Data Books, including a) demographic characteristics; b) household/family characteristics; c) labor force/employment characteristics; and d) housing characteristics.
- Map Stats (Bureau of Census) Site allows user to obtain a) TIGER maps; and b) 1996 General Profile of any U.S. county, based on data from a variety of sources and years (as compiled in USA Counties 1996 CD-ROM).
- Census 2000. Rankings and Comparisons Population and Housing Tables (PHC-T Series) The Census 2000 PHC-T series of tables covers a wide variety of topics, such as race, Hispanic or Latino origin, group quarters, ancestry — potentially any data obtained from Census 2000. These tables summarize data available through the Census Bureau’s American FactFinder database, or present the results of other tabulations of Census 2000 data.
- County Business Patterns (Bureau of Census) Site includes County Business Patterns for 1993, 1994 and 1995 showing a) number employed and annual payroll by detailed SIC industry codes; and b) number of firms and number of establishments by number of employees (size categories: 0-4, 5-9, 10-19, 20-99, 100-499, 500. 2011 CBP data were released in December 2013.
- Area Resource Files (Health Resources and Services Administration)
- The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care For more than 20 years, the Dartmouth Atlas Project has documented glaring variations in how medical resources are distributed and used in the United States. The project uses Medicare data to provide information and analysis about national, regional, and local markets, as well as hospitals and their affiliated physicians. This research has helped policymakers, the media, health care analysts and others improve their understanding of our health care system and forms the foundation for many of the ongoing efforts to improve health and health systems across America. Topics include:
Demographic Characteristics
- Total population:
- Annual population growth rate, 2000-2010: Census (annual)
- Population by age (July 1, 2008): Census (CHSI)*
- % under 19
- % 19-64
- % 65-84
- % 85+
- Population by age (July 1, 2009): Census (USAQuickFacts)
- % under 5
- % under 18
- % 65 years and older
- Percent female (2009): Census (USAQuickFacts)
- Population by race/ethnicity
- White (July 1, 2008: CHSI) | (July 1, 2010: USAQuickFacts)
- Black (July 1, 2008: CHSI) | (July 1, 2010: USAQuickFacts)
- American Indian/Alaskan Native (2008: CHSI) | (2010: USAQuickFacts)
- Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander (2008: CHSI) | (2010: USAQuickFacts)
- Hispanic or Latino origin (2008: CHSI) | (2010: USAQuickFacts)
- Land area (2000): Census (USAQuickFacts)
- Population per square mile (2008: CHSI) | (2010: USAQuickFacts)
- Total households (2005-2009): Census (USAQuickFacts)
- Average persons per household (2005-2009): Census (USAQuickFacts)
- Percent non-metropolitan: Census (annual)
Social and Economic Factors
- Per capita personal income: BEA (annual)
- County compensation by industry: BEA (annual)
- Percent below poverty (2008): Census (CHSI)*
- Percent children in poverty (2011 County Health Rankings)
- High school graduation rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Adults with some college (2011 County Health Rankings)
- No high school diploma, adults age 25+ (1990): Census (CHSI)*
- Unemployment rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Unemployment rate (1998): BLS (CHSI)*
- % children without adequate social/emotional support (2011 County Health Rankings)
- % children in single-parent households (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Violent crime or homicide rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Living in same house as 1 year ago, % age 5+ (2005-2009): Census (USAQuickFacts)
- Foreign born persons, percent, (2005-2009): Census (USAQuickFacts)
- Language other than English spoken at home, pct age 5+, (2005-2009): Census
Health Status | Mortality
- Premature death: Years of potential life lost before age 75 (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Average life expectancy at birth (1997-2001): (CHSI)*
- Average annual age-adjusted mortality rate, all causes (2003-2005): (CHSI)*
- Leading causes of death, by age and race (2003-2005): (CHSI)*
- Age-Adjusted Deaths by Cause (2003-2005): (CHSI)
- Female breast cancer
- Colon cancer
- Coronary heart disease
- Homicide
- Lung cancer
- Motor vehicle injuries
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Unintentional injury
- Mortality by Cause: Atlas of Mortality (National Center for Health Statistics)
- Occupational Fatalities: DOL (annual)
- Motor Vehicle Deaths: National Safety Council (annual)
Health Status | Morbidity
- % reporting poor or fair health (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Physically unhealthy days (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Mentally unhealthy days (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Low birthweight live births (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Self-rated health status (2000-2006): CDC (CHSI)*
- Average # unhealthy days in past month (2000-2006: CDC (CHSI)*
- Severe work disability (1997): CDC (CHSI)*
- Chronic Diseases
- Cancer Incidence: American Cancer Society (annual)
- Hypertension: CDC (annual)
- Major depression, adults 18+ (1997): synthetic estimate (CHSI)*
- Infectious Diseases
- Infectious disease incidence: NCHS (CHSI)*
- AIDS Incidence: NCHS (annual)
Health Behavior
- Tobacco use: adult smoking (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Diet and exercise: adult obesity (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Alcohol use: excessive drinking (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Alcohol use: motor vehicle crash death rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Unsafe sex: chlamydia rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Unsafe sex: teen birth rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Immunization Rates: CDC (annual)
- Recent drug use, age 12+ (1997): synthetic estimate (CHSI)*
Reproductive Health
- Birth Rates: NCHS (annual)
- Unwanted Pregnancy Rates: NCHS (annual)
- Abortion Rates: NCHS (annual)
- Fertility Rates: NCHS (annual)
- Low birthweight live births (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Low birthweight percent <2500 grams (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Very low birthweight percent <1500 grams (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Premature birth percent <37 weeks (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Teen birth rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Teen (<18) birth percent (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Older mother (>40) birth percent (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Unmarried mother birth percent (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- No first trimester prenatal care percent (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Infant mortality rate (first year) (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Race-specific infant mortality rate (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Neonatal (first 28 days) mortality rate (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
- Post-neonatal (after 28 days) mortality rate (2003-2005): CDC (CHSI)*
Environmental Health
- Unhealthy air quality due to particulate matter (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Unhealthy air quality due to ozone (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Toxic chemical release (1996): EPA (CHSI)*
- National Air quality standards met by county (1998): EPA
Built Environment
- Access to healthy foods (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Access to recreation facilities (2011 County Health Rankings)
Coverage | Managed Care
- HMO Enrollment Rate: InterStudy (annual)
- Medicare HMO Enrollment Rate: CMS (annual)
- Medicaid HMO Enrollment Rate: CMS (annual)
Coverage | Medicare
- Medicare Enrollment, Disabled (1999): CMS
- Medicare Enrollment, Elderly (1999): CMS
- OASDI (Social Security) Beneficiaries by State and Zip Code, 2009 (October 2010)
Coverage | Medicaid
- Medicaid Enrollment, by Eligibility Status (state Medicaid agencies)
Coverage: Uninsured
- Model-based Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) for Counties and States. The Census Bureau’s Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program produces estimates of health insurance coverage for states and all counties. In July 2005, SAHIE released the first nation-wide set of county-level estimates on the number of people without health insurance coverage for all ages and those under 18 years old. In October 2011, SAHIE released 2008 and 2009 estimates of health insurance coverage by age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, and income categories at the state-level and by age, sex, and income categories at the county-level. The 2010 SAHIE release is planned for Summer 2012.
- Adult uninsured rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
Access | Barriers to Access
- Percent Living in Areas Underserved by Primary Care MDs: HRSA (annual)
- Percent Living in Areas Underserved by Dentists: HRSA (annual)
- Percent Living in Areas Underserved by Dentists: HRSA (annual)
Access | Health Resources
- Primary care MDs per 100,000 (1997): AMA (CHSI)*
- Primary care providers (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Community health centers (1999): HRSA (CHSI)*
- Specialty MDs per 100,000: AMA (annual)
- Dentists per 100,000 (1995): ADA (CHSI)*
- RNs per100,000: Bureau of Health Professions (annual)
- Nurse Practitioners per 100,000: AANP (annual)
- Physician Assistants per 100,000: AAPA (annual)
- Hospital Beds per 1,000: AHA (annual)
- Licensed SNF/ICF Beds per 1,000:
- Medicare-certified Home Health Agencies/10,000 Aged: HCFA (annual)
*Data reported by individual county only.
Access | Utilization
- Hospitalization rate for ambulatory-sensitive conditions (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Diabetic screening rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Mammogram rate (2011 County Health Rankings)
- Hospital Admissions per 1,000: AHA (annual)
- Emergency Room Visits per 1,000: AHA (annual)
- Hospital Outpatient Visits per 1,000: AHA (annual)
Cost | Public Expenditures
- Average Cost per Medicaid Beneficiary: (state Medicaid agencies)
- Local Health Expenditures per Capita, SMSAs: Census (annual)
It seems like business is still getting hit hard. Is anybody seeing an upswing in their respective niches? Health reform seems like a mess. I generate long term care insurance leads and annuity leads for the insurance industry, but volume has been terrible in the last two months. I am afraid the worst is yet to come, but maybe it is just my attitude.